Some Important considerations for choosing dental instrument?

When selecting dental equipment, research the manufacturer of the brand of equipment you are considering to determine 1) the stability of the company and 2) if they provide good customer support for their equipment. Also ask dentists and dental equipment repair services about the reliability and durability of the brand of equipment you are considering.

Some Important considerations for choosing dental instrument?

Dental Handpieces

This is what is commonly called a “dental drill.” Handpieces are air-powered or electronically powered rotary instruments that are used to cut or polish teeth. A clinic needs both high-speed handpieces and low-speed handpieces for general dentistry. If the clinic plans to provide oral surgery services, it will need surgery handpieces. Handpieces are equipped with a wide range of attachments that are purchased separately. Since handpieces and/or their attachments must be sterilized after being used, the number needed by a facility is determined by the method they will use to sterilize them. Faster sterilization requires less handpieces. As a general rule you will need 4 high-speed handpieces per operatory and 4 slow-speed attachments that are used regularly for each operatory. The exact number will depend on the number of patients treated per hour per operatory and the handpiece sterilization time of the sterilization equipment you select. Dental handpieces are expensive so make sure enough funds are included in your start-up budget.

Operator and Assistant Stools

Dental X-Ray Equipment (Radiography)
Periapical X-ray. The basic dental radiograph that shows several teeth at a time. This can be done the conventional way using chemically developed film or using digital radiography
Panoramic X-ray. This dental radiograph shows both dental arches on a single x-ray film that is 5″ by 11″. The panoramic x-ray machine requires its own area. Panoramic x-rays are nice to have but not required.
Cephalometric X-ray. This x-ray shows the entire head and is taken using a panoramic x-ray machine with special attachments. Orthodontist mostly uses this type of x-ray.

Dental Operating Lights

Dental Operating Lights


La limpieza dental profesional bien hecha


La limpieza dental profesional bien hecha

La guía esencial para la higiene dental

5. Pulido

Para la finalización de la profilaxis se procede al pulido de la superficie de los dientes con una copa de goma o cepillos especiales acompañados de una pasta especial para pulido. Con el pulido se consigue que la superficie quede totalmente lisa y sin manchas extrínsecas (provocadas por el tabaco, café, té, vino tinto, etc.).
6. Recomendaciones finales

Una vez finalizada la Limpieza Dental Ultrasonidos se aconseja al paciente la frecuencia con que debe realizar sus visitas de mantenimiento periodontal. La frecuencia de visitas dependerá del estado de salud actual y de los factores personales de riesgo de cada persona.
¿Cuál es la finalidad de una limpieza dental?

La finalidad principal de este tratamiento es, sobre todo, la prevención de  las enfermedades periodontales y mejorar la salud de las encías del paciente. También es importante conseguir que el paciente aprenda una buena técnica de cepillado e higiene bucal en general.

Blanqueamiento de Dientes Natural